10 Reasons why you should insure your vehicle

Your Partner for Growth and Security
  1. Financial Protection
    Imagine getting caught in a major accident without insurance where you – not only damaged your car badly but even the other fellow driver’s car. Spare parts do not come cheap these days. But if your car is insured, you can save yourself from debt since insurance can help repair the car without borrowing money from anyone.
  2. Medical Expenses
    More importantly, insurance covers medical expenses for injuries sustained during an accident. It covers not just you but people who travel with you or others involved in an accident.
  3. Liability Coverage
    Well … if you do not know what liability means, have you seen the new street lights along the road from Bhutan Telecom to Hejo? A few people have already made to pay for bringing down the poles. Rumour has it that each pole cost only Nu 150 000. That’s just what the speculations say, it could be more, you know. So unless you are rich enough to be able to pay up these sums, insuring is the best way to stay away from such liability.
    For example, having insurance will not just help replace the electric pole for the thromde, but it will also save your financial assets during such mishaps. The liability coverage – by the way – also covers damage to third-party property, humans, and animals.
  4. Damage to Your Vehicle
    Insurance helps cover the cost of repairs or replacement if you damage your vehicle in accidents or natural.
  5. Theft Protection
    Vehicle insurance can provide compensation if your car gets stolen and damaged, helping to cover the loss or the cost of replacing the vehicle.
  6. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage
    Our motor insurance also protects you if you’re involved in an accident with a driver whose car is uninsured, helping cover your expenses and damages.
  7. Peace of Mind
    Insurance provides peace of mind since you’re financially protected during an accident, damage, or theft.
  8. Protects Others
    Motor insurance provides financial protection to other road users and pedestrians during accidents.
  9. Saves Time
    If your vehicle is insured, you can repair your car or other diver’s car immediately without going through a lengthy police and court process.
  10. Legal Requirement
    Under the Road Safety and Transport Act, it is mandatory to have a Motor Third Party. The law enforcers have become stringent nowadays, refusing to renew the Blue/Green Book if your vehicle is uninsured. Driving without insurance could also lead to fines and penalties.