Children’s Money Back PolicyChildren’s Money Back Policy Icon

Children’s Money Back Policy

Parents sacrifice so much to ensure a bright future for their children. Our Children’s Money Back Policy does exactly that by helping parents plan for their child’s rising educational expenses without compromising their own dreams and wishes, as parents often do.

The cherry on the cake of this policy is the Survival Benefits (SBs) provided after the 4th year at regular intervals. These SBs relieve the parents from the financial burden of their child’s increasing school expenses.

Protection Icon


Tax Rebate Icon

Tax Rebate

Survival Benefit Icon

Survival Benefit

Premium waiver upon proposer’s death Icon

Premium waiver upon proposer’s death

SA upon death Icon

SA upon death

Eligibility Page default image
  • Parents/Legal Guardian
  • Proposer’s Entry Age: 18 – 50 years
  • Child’s Age: 0 – 10 years
  • Sum Assured: Nu 100, 000 – 1,000,000
  • Term: 12, 15, and 20 years
  • Loan: Ineligible
  • Surrender: After 3 years of the premium payment
  • Revival: Within 5 years from the date of unpaid premium before maturity
BENEFITS Page default image
  • For 12 Year Term – 20% of the Sum Assured on the 4th & 8th year. And 60% of the Sum Assured plus Guaranteed Additions on the 12th year.
  • For 15 Year Term – 25% of the Sum Assured on the 5th & 10th year. And 50% of the Sum Assured plus Guaranteed Additions on the 15th year.
  • For 20 Year Term – 20% of the Sum Assured on the 5th, 10th, & 15th year. 40% of the Sum Assured plus Guaranteed Additions on the 20th year.
  • Sum Assured guaranteed to the nominee in the event of proposer’s untimely demise
  • Premium Waiver in the event of proposer’s untimely demise
  • 50% Tax Refund
Proposal Checklist Claim Checklists Claim Forms Others

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