Your Partner for Growth and Security

The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited opened a Branch office in Sakten Dungkhag, Trashigang Dzongkhag on 15th October 2013. The new Branch Office was inaugurated by the Trashigang Dzongrab and attended by the sector heads of Dzongkhag administration, Trashigang, civil servants and the general public of Sakten Dungkhag.

The opening of the new branch office in Sakten is a part of RICB’s effort in taking insurance and financial services to the door steps of the people of Sakgten and Merak, enhancing accessibility and convenience in availing required services from RICB. The new Branch Office shall be instrumental in timely delivery of services related to rural house insurance scheme also.

Today RICB has 26 offices across the country with the head office at Thimphu and the regional office at Phuentsholing.

Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited (RICB) was incorporated on 7th January 1975 under the Royal Charter of His Majesty, the fourth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck, primarily to meet the Insurance needs of its Citizen as well as to actively participate in the economic development of the nation. It has grown from strength to strength over the years in keeping with nation’s march towards the goal of economic growth, self-reliance and Gross National Happiness.

As an insurance provider, RICB plays a significant role in the financial sector and in socio-economic development of the country. RICB provides multifaceted financial services including social security services to the society through its various schemes/products.

Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited
Toll Free No.: – 181 & 151
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