Life Icon


Silver Jubilee Term Policy
Silver Jubilee Term Policy
  • Maturity Benefit – return of premium only
  • Sum Assured guaranteed in the event of untimely demise
  • Accident Benefit
  • Only yearly rebates are allowed
  • 100 % Tax Refund
Quendue Ngensung Life Policy
Quendue Ngensung Life Policy
  • Repayment of loan balance upon death
  • Disability Benefit – Payment of 50% of outstanding loan amount
  • 50% Tax Rebate
Drongseb Kuendrul Tshesog Ngensung
Drongseb Kuendrul Tshesog Ngensung
  • Death Benefit – Repayment of loan balance at the time of death
  • Disability Benefit, repayment of the loan balance in the event of disability
  • 50% Tax Waiver
Ten-Tsai Mangul Ngenchoel II
Ten-Tsai Mangul Ngenchoel II
  • Refund of Premium plus Guaranteed Additions on maturity
  • Sum Assured guaranteed in the event of member’s untimely demise
Group Term Insurance
Group Term Insurance
  • Sum Assured in the event of member’s untimely demise
  • Permanent disability benefits available with payment of additional premium.
Rural Life Insurance Scheme
Rural Life Insurance Scheme
  • Nu 30,000 upon death of a family member
Group Insurance Scheme
Group Insurance Scheme
  • Risk Coverage – Death Benefit/Total Permanent Disability of Sum Assured plus Accumulated Savings @8% per annum
  • Accumulated Savings @8% per annum upon separation from the service
  • 100% Tax Refund
Private Provident Fund
Private Provident Fund
  • Contribution accumulation with guaranteed interest
  • Members can take refund of up to 50 % of their total PF accumulation while in service
  • 100% Tax Refund