No.RICBL/CO/GAD-RE/2023/13218. August 29,2023
The management of the Royal Insurance Corporationof Bhutan Limited would like to inform all bidders that while inviting bids for the work of “Annual Maintenance Contract for DG set, Air Conditioners, and UPS system for all RICB office buildings owned by our company,” vide Kuensel dated August 11, 2023, we have not attached the BoQ(Bill of Quantity) during the time of announcement. Therefore, we kindly request all interested bidders to re-download the necessary documents from our officail website,
Furthermore, the deadline for bids submission for the above work has been extended to September 6,2023, at 12:30 PM. The bids will opened on the same day at 2:30 PM. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your attention to this matter.
Click to download AMC Document
Click to download Bill of Quantity