Group Term Insurance Icon

Group Term Insurance

One of the many ways for companies and organizations to retain their employees is to provide them with benefits and incentives. Group Term Insurance can be an excellent form of perks and benefits for their employees.

Group Term Life Insurance is a type of term insurance in which companies or groups or institutions offer coverage as a benefit to employees. Group Term Life Insurance is relatively inexpensive compared to individual life insurance.

Group Term Insurance is meant for companies, organizations, firms, and institutions.

Protection Icon


Disability Benefit Icon

Disability Benefit

SA upon death Icon

SA upon death

Eligibility Page default image
  • Group/Companies/Institutions
  • Life Assured Age: 1 – 80 years
  • Sum Assured: Nu 10,000 – Nu 500,000
  • Term: 1 year
BENEFITS Page default image
  • Sum Assured in the event of member’s untimely demise
  • Permanent disability benefits available with payment of additional premium.
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