Endowment Plan for Senior Citizens Icon

Endowment Plan for Senior Citizens

As soon as someone in a family lands a job, familial obligations bombard them even before they get their first paycheck. From then on, perpetual financial obligations set in, leaving either too little or nothing to save for the future.

That’s why our Endowment Plan for Senior Citizens is here to prepare you for a secure, stable, and peaceful retirement life.

Our Endowment Plan for Senior Citizens not only assures financial security in your later years but is also a recipe for a peaceful retirement life of dignity, faith, and hope.

Protection Icon


Tax Rebate Icon

Tax Rebate

Sum Assured plus Guaranteed Additions Icon

Sum Assured plus Guaranteed Additions

 Sum Assured or accumulated premium Icon

 Sum Assured or accumulated premium

Eligibility Page default image
  • Senior Citizens
  • Entry Age: 55 – 70 years
  • Sum Assured: Nu 100, 000 – 1,000,000
  • Term: 5 to 20 years
  • Surrender: Anytime. Return of 80 % of the premium paid.
BENEFITS Page default image
  • Maturity Benefit of Sum Assured plus Guaranteed Additions
  • In the event of demise, Sum Assured or accumulated premium whichever higher is paid
  • 50% Tax Waiver
Proposal Checklist Claim Checklists Claim Forms Others

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