Pho-Mo Joint  Icon

Pho-Mo Joint Life

When newlyweds settle down with the love of their lives, only a lucky few are born with a silver spoon in their mouths and can luxuriate in flashy marriage, honeymoon trip, and fully furnished luxurious home.

Instead, most couples must begin from scratch and buy everything to settle down in life. Then comes the imposing familial obligations of our close-knit society. Such responsibilities often leave young couples with very little to save.

That’s why we have a Pho-Mo Joint Life for you, which helps cover two lives under one policy. Our Pho-Mo Joint Life helps couples beyond the end by leaving everything you would want for your love while together and beyond.

Protection Icon


Tax Rebate Icon

Tax Rebate

Covers 2 Lives Icon

Covers 2 Lives

Loan Eligible Icon

Loan Eligible

Premium waiver upon death of spouse Icon

Premium waiver upon death of spouse

Sum Assured plus bonus on maturity Icon

Sum Assured plus bonus on maturity

Eligibility Page default image
  • Couples
  • Entry Age: 20 – 50 years
  • Term: 15 – 30 years
  • Sum Assured: Nu 30,000 – 500,000
  • Surrender: Possible after 3 years of premium payment
  • Loan: Eligible after 3 years
BENEFITS Page default image
  • Maturity Benefit – Sum Assured + Bonus
  • Double Sum Assured plus Bonus for Accident Benefits
  • Sum Assured plus Premium Waiver in the event of untimely demise of spouse
  • 50% Tax Refund
Proposal Checklist Claim Checklists Claim Forms Others

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