Notice Inviting Tender for Implementation of ISO 27001:2022 at RICB

Your Partner for Growth and Security

RICB/CO/GAD-STORE (01)/2025/825

January 21st, 2024


The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited (RICB) would like to invite sealed bids from eligible Bhutanese and International firms with valid license for implementation ISO 27001:2022 at RICB.

Office LocationProjectLast date submission of tender Date for the opening of tender
Corporate Office, ThimphuTransition from ISO 27001:2013 to ISO 27001:2022 Audit and Certification.  19/02/2025 11.30 AM  19/02/2025 2.30 PM
  1. The eligible Firms having valid license for the Implementation of ISO 27001:2022 at RICB may download the Tender Documents from our website
  2. Non-refundable tender fee of Nu.1,000/- (Ngultrums one thousand only) must be deposited along with the bid and without bid amount, the bid shall be rejected.
  3. The tender document should be submitted to the Procurement Section, General Administration Division, Corporate Office, Thimphu.
  4. The bid must be addressed to the address mentioned in the RFP.
  5. The eligible Firms may seek for any clarifications at the given email address.
